Ultimate Guide of The Best Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

November 3, 2022

Been looking for efficient marketing tips to get your small business up and running; and still feeling lost? Online marketing is all about a strong digital marketing plan, using social media well, and figuring out your best marketing channels. Good marketing isn’t hard to achieve; when you get your digital marketing strategy right! In this article, we'll be providing efficient marketing tips that will work to grow your business in 2022.

Track Performance and Make Adjustments

So many new businesses forget how important it is to track their business performance on social media and other marketing channels as part of their digital marketing strategy. It's likely some of your favorite marketing strategies will be total flops, but don’t take it personally! When this happens, come up with creative ideas to change your marketing plan and keep moving.

Identify Customer Pain Points and Expectations

Tracking how your digital media marketing strategy is doing is important. Another  equally important part of your marketing strategy is to track how your customers are feeling. Are there any parts of the customer journey that aren't working? Speak to your customers, and get to know what's happening on the receiving end of your business. Set up user interviews, respond to inquiries, and always remain accessible to your customers. This will help build a loyal customer base and raise your conversion rate at the same time. 

Use Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing should be a key part of any digital marketing campaign strategy. Ideally, you should use email marketing tools or software, while building up a segmented email list for your target audience at the same time. Additionally, writing captivating subject lines and well-written emails is important; as well as maintaining a consistent sending schedule to keep your customers engaged. 

Publish High-Quality Content

Whether it's image or video marketing, we're living in the age of content, so it’s crucial that your social media strategy is at its best. People know when they're consuming quality social media content, and when they aren’t. Invest time, money and brain power into making the best quality content strategy you can afford. It will pay off.

Harness Virality

From good content, comes virality. With the rise of platforms such as TikTok, one good video has the possibility to make you go viral. Do a competitive analysis, identify your target audience, make good video content, and cross your fingers to go viral.

Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC)

Burn this into your brain: UGC is your best friend. You want customers posting IG stories of your products, or making TikToks about them. Make your packaging extra-special for cool unboxing videos, or encourage posts by offering a discount if they share your business on their stories. Figure out what works best for you!

Post at The Right Time

The internet houses an endless amount of statistics about the best time to post on social media. It depends on what platform you're using, but a quick google search will give you all the answers you need. Social media marketing strategies are all about cranking those numbers up.

Build Partnerships

Reach out to local brands you like on social media, or invest in influencer marketing, and ask if they'd be open for a partnership. You are able to reach a broader audience with each business and influencer partnership you make. Influencer marketing has been exponentially helpful to small businesses by helping their fans become customers!

Run Social Media Ads

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are very important tools for online content marketing strategies. They can increase your brand awareness considerably, when used correctly. We do recommend getting assistance from experts on social media marketing if you're not sure what you're doing. 

Search Engine Optimize Your Website

People don't realize how important search engine optimization is for their business. Every business should prioritize SEO in order to grow its website's reach. Write blog posts, set a brand voice - use it as another social channel. This will increase your brand relevance as well. 

Digital marketing for small businesses can be intimidating, and frustrating if it's your first time doing it. Having experts by your side can make the process much smoother and provide better results. Reach out to JDiaz for all the digital marketing strategies, branding, social media marketing, and content marketing solutions you need! You won't regret it.